The Pride Center is a coalition of LGBTQIA2S+ spaces and affiliated organizations across campus and in the San Luis Obispo community. Our collective mission is to support and empower people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and expressions to strengthen and unite our central coast community.
We envision a stronger and braver Cal Poly community that is radically inclusive of all sexualities, gender identities, and expressions.
Our core values influence how we approach our work, serving as underlying pillars to ensure we stay on track with our mission.
We are unique, brave, innovative, creative, courageous, and beautiful. We each have a strong sense of purpose, an array of talents, and a passion for creating a better world. We are resilient people who are authentic and unafraid to boldly and rightfully exist.

We value the socially transformative impact of our collective efforts and talents. By working together, fostering open communication, furthering understanding, and building caring and supportive environments through an ethic of radical love, we empower the entire community with the power of our PRIDE.

We believe that the diversity of our community is one of its greatest strengths, yet deep disparities exist- especially for those who sit at the intersection of multiple marginalized identities. We believe we cannot fight one form of oppression without fighting all forms of oppression. Therefore, we are committed to expanding access, equity, and inclusion in sustainable ways.
We aim to be a diverse, open, and public touchstone for all members of our central coast community. Some of our goals include: